
Begin all discussions with your customers by focusing on things on which you agree, not the things on which you differ. In most cases you are both aiming for the same ending however how you each get there is the difference.

What we always want to try and get people saying is Yes, Yes. We need to avoid people responding with a No. Does that sound fairly obvious? Maybe. But it is essential in dealing effectively and successfully in your work from home internet business.

The more they say yes the more you are able to get the conversation moving in the right direction towards your goal to make money at home online. This is based on psychological elements. Getting a couple of yes responses at the start of the conversation gets the listeners thoughts moving in the positive direction. It is like the law of inertia. It is much easier to get something moving when it is already travelling in that direction. It is much harder to get an object to move from a standstill.

In other words, by getting a couple of simple yes responses early on it is then much easier to move their thoughts towards your goal of capturing their attention.

When someone says "no" it is not only saying a two letter word. The word "no" has a wholistic effect on that persons body. All of the body's systems are effected and go into a "rejection pattern." However, when a person says "yes" none of these withdrawal effects take place. Surely you can see the benefit it getting many "yes" responses from prospects.

Yes, it does sound simple. But why then is it such a neglected tool in communicating with your leads when you want to make money at home online?

Do you use ultimatums when dealing with people? I know I have used them a lot in the past with my kids. For example when they don't clean their room. The old one I used to use was "if you don't clean your room then there is no television for 2 days." It never worked. All it did was build a barrier between us. Yes I felt good as I was asserting my authority but what did it do for our communication? No, I was showing them who was boss! It certainly didn't give my children a feeling of caring and nurture. Obviously I no longer use ultimatums in my household.

My aim with this article is to give people the opportunity to learn from mistakes that I have made throughout my life and work from home internet business endeavours. I have finally learnt that it doesn't pay to be authoritative and pushy and argue. It is much more profitable (emotionally and financially) to aim to learn from other people and attempt to understand their viewpoints and to try and get people to say "yes,yes" as much as possible.

This was the method that Socrates used. He would always ask questions that his opponents would have to say yes to. And he kept asking more and more questions, getting more and more yes responses, until his opponent found himself in the position of agreeing with the ending which they would before have utterly denied.

Please remember old Socrates when you are next speaking to a prospect and ask a "yes" question in order to improve your success and make money at home online.

For more information about how I make money at home online please fill in the form at karlievalentine.biz and I will get back to you.




I am professional blogger and wordpress developer. I am knowledge seeker. Currently i am working blockchain development. Programming is my passion and i proudly working with many languages like python, react.js, Rust, soliditary etc.

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