
How many times you heard something like this?? I bet every time. If you are just starting or if you are in the middle on your way to success you are familiar with phrases like this, especially if you DO NOT understand this simple fact - making money online is the same like any other business outside the internet.

I don't know about you but let me tell a simple story about me. I was NOT completely a newbie 3 years ago when I realized that my life will be better if I work online.

Was some computer background in my past, I use computer for simple automation like turning on a light or music device or even start weeding a garden place. I was and I continue to addicted to watch out for everything that is new, just like watching a new movie, only on my laptop!

Then was a 5 year period in my life when I administered some big old buildings in Bucharest. There was very good communication between the owner and I in order to be able to handle all renovations and rent collections and team work, if you can imagine a 40 million euros enterprise. Just for renovations and to be able to choose the appropriate workers and materials it was necessarily to have good knowledge about searcheology on the internet I told you about in one of the past articles.

Then I was in Germany with the car and house business. Far away from my family with my laptop and my car - one mobile office. I needed to know how to communicate and of course to know how to SEARCH and how to find good information on the internet.

But every step done in the past, was a way to learn something new about internet.

Let me tell you another example about my 5 year old son - Alex. We are borne on the same day February 14...I was happy about this because like father and son we will be very close to each other, the same way to look at things, the same way to learn and so on...

Well, NO.

I tried to teach him my WAY, but even though he learned a lot... he found HIS OWN WAY and refused to treat my way of doing things like copy/paste. He continues to improve every step and always says...come daddy have to show you something new...

Think about this...

Now imagine somebody tells you - WHY BOTHER LEARNING EVERYTHING?? Imagine you have no clue what it is about and feel like he's speaking a foreign language... even if he tells you Santa is blue - you will believe and will follow him until you understand AGAIN and AGAIN the truth.

What is the truth???

The true is so simple that I am embarrassed to tell you. First, they will speculate about your desire to make things easier, your natural way for shortcuts and secondly they will leave you ALONE.

Of course, after you bought some nice, colorful and attractive "work"

The TRUE is - what works for me may not possibly work for you.

The TRUE is - what I like, use and teach you to do may very well not be your own way and this is bad for you because if don't like your work, then your success will be far away from you.

The TRUTH is - even if you like what I've taught you to do, still will be no success for you until you've BRANDED your way - NOT COPIED my way...

The TRUTH is - what is working today will not work tomorrow because of the extraordinary dynamic way of the development of the internet.

And like always the truth is somewhere in the middle of our understanding. When and if somebody will show you a WAY to really like it - a step by step way, from a man or a organization and that man or organization is transparent enough for you to CHECK and see his/their success, well, then STILL you need to BOTHER LEARNING... to continue improving your learning curve.

And finally, the true conditions to realize this are here, now, in 2011 and ONLY in one place.

On SOCIAL networking sites. Real people with real desires to teach you, to have amazing partners, to know, like and do business with you.

And yes, why bother learning everything??? So that maybe all you need is to become social and feel the social way.




I am professional blogger and wordpress developer. I am knowledge seeker. Currently i am working blockchain development. Programming is my passion and i proudly working with many languages like python, react.js, Rust, soliditary etc.

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