
Yes I know that's hard to believe but it is true. And that needs to be repeated. You do not need to be on every social media network. Especially if your idea client is not hanging out there. You need to identify where your idea client is and then show up there. That will help you know which networks to include in your social media marketing plan.

The three main networks are Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. You also have Pinterest, Google+, Snapchat, and Instagram.

You will need to figure out which networks will allow you to connect with the most highly interactive segment of your niche.

You need to determine which of these sites you should be showing up on and which ones will you get the most benefits from. That way you will not be spending hours every day on sites you really do not need to be on and you will be more focused. But the three major sites are Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.

So Let's Start With Facebook

Facebook is used to connect with friends and share information about their interests and what they're up to. But your purpose is to use it as social media for business. You'll need to consider when your target audience is most likely going to be active on Facebook. Pay attention to your posting frequency and the times of the day that you post. Do posts at certain times tend to receive more comments or likes? If so, adjust your social media content for that particular time of day. What works for one target audience may not work for another for social media engagement. That's where a social media marketing strategy comes into play. If you're targeting entrepreneurs who work from home, then weekdays through the day are typically excellent times to post.


Twitter is a lot like Facebook. Your main goal is to grow your follower base so your messages can be seen by as many people as possible. Your goal with Twitter is to drive awareness and new leads for your business. As awareness goes up, you have a chance to convert followers into new customers. You'll also want to keep those customers engaged, so they keep coming back and tell others about your business. Make sure that you are using a variety of social media content. Mix up your posts. Share social media tips to educate, humorous posts to make them laugh, and social media content to put a smile on their face. You also want to share about 20% of your own content.

And LinkedIn

You can think of LinkedIn as a "business-only" version of the other platforms that I talked about. LinkedIn focuses on forging ties between professionals.

As you can imagine, this makes LinkedIn a powerful resource if you want to find clients, learn about industry-related resources, and establish partnerships-all without getting bogged down in corporate bureaucracy. If your company is a business-to-business (B2B) venture, then LinkedIn offers an invaluable way to meet your potential customers. And if you're not, it still gives you a chance to connect with professionals in related industries and create your own knowledge network. You should dedicate at least 30 minutes daily to your social media campaign on LinkedIn.

So make sure that you are spending your time on the social media sites where you will get the most benefit for your niche. Determine which social media channel is the most important for your business and focus on that.




I am professional blogger and wordpress developer. I am knowledge seeker. Currently i am working blockchain development. Programming is my passion and i proudly working with many languages like python, react.js, Rust, soliditary etc.

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