You do not have to shell out bundles of notes to make a great looking website. You can do it all yourself with a little professional help. There are just three things that separate your cheap website from an expensive one. First step would be to remove all gaudy elements, second would be to simplify the navigation and third would be to stick to a professional looking colour scheme.
Colour scheme
Colour? Yes. It will make sense if your eyes have suffered in hands of excessively brightly coloured red on blue or fluorescent green on white themed websites. Colours have a way with people. The more sober and simple themes it is, the more professional the website will look. Keeping this in mind change the colour theme to suit your business needs.
This does not mean that your cheap website design should be in a dull grey and blue setting. We are not in mourning. Just make it look pleasant. Cheap websites are notorious for being flashy and gaudy. You need to disprove this with an amicable colour scheme.
Throw out the Pop ups
One of the many irritating elements in a website is pop ups. There are other ways to make your visitors click on the sponsors. Pop ups is not one of them. In fact, it will only drive potential visitors away from your site. You need to be careful in handling first time visitors.
Other unnecessary elements are adverts in between pages. Users have logged on to your website to look for content. Not adverts for God sake! Do not even think of choosing a website design or a host who insists on this.
Bloggers have the habit of posting their awards and recognitions and number of visitors tab in their websites.
Highlighting the keywords is one thing. Nevertheless, if simply moving a cursor over them is going to bring down a drop down menu or advert from nowhere is annoying! Refrain from adding such features in the content part. However, do link the keyword to other relevant pages of your website. This will be of great help in navigation.
Simplifying the navigation
Make your website easy to browse. Keep a search box at strategic location. Follow a chronological order. A site map is necessary. See to that, there are no broken links and that broken links can be address quickly. Users should have provisions to report content, give feedbacks and post testimonials.
Keep the number of pages to the minimum essential. You do not have to waste money on separate pages for 10 lines. Try to couple of contents into a single page. This way, users will find it easy to navigate the content.
Cross over to look expensive with the help of cheap website designers who have good talent and suit your budget and needs.
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