
While algorithm updates by search engines have changed the SEO landscape considerably over the years, there have been a few things that have remained constant. One of these is the demand of search engines for unique and fresh content. Google and various other search engines give preference to websites that are creative with their content and take advantage of various content marketing strategies including guest blogging. This is an SEO technique, which involves writing and publishing a blog post on a third party website for promoting your brand subtly. How is this practice helpful?

In a nutshell, guest blogging is able to expose your brand to your relevant target audience and this can be immensely useful in generating brand awareness. These days, it is playing a very important role in helping businesses gain credibility and unearth networking opportunities. However, it is essential for businesses to choose the third party website or blog carefully when they want to take advantage of guest blogging. The blog you opt for should be focused on your industry and niche and have a good number of visitors. It should also have engaging content already for drawing in considerable traffic.

If a business chooses the right platform for guest blogging, it will be able to enjoy the follow SEO benefits:

Improved social growth and visibility

Not only do they get you links, but social media profiles are also a great way in boosting your online presence and getting more visibility. If anyone visits the blog and your post engages them, it is a given that they will share it with others in their circle through social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and more. This will automatically improve social growth and drive traffic to your website thereby strengthening your authority and having a positive impact on your search engine rankings. Moreover, all blogs have a comment section, which could provide businesses with excellent networking opportunities.

Greater relevant traffic

Most of the people who read your guest post and then click on the link provided are those who are most likely to be genuinely interested in what you have to offer as opposed to a general visitor. Therefore, it is vital for you to ensure that your post is unique and engaging enough for the visitors to get them to click the link provided.

Increased brand awareness and exposure

Another great benefit of guest blogging is that it can give you greater exposure and promote brand awareness. The more the subscribers of the blog where you have posted, the greater the number of people who come across your brand and eventually end up at your website through the link provided.

Boost your authority

Last, but not the least, guest blogging is helpful in building domain name and search engine authority, especially for a new website. When your website has backlinks to popular and respected websites, search engines will automatically consider it relevant and useful, prompting them to give it good rankings, which can boost its authority.




I am professional blogger and wordpress developer. I am knowledge seeker. Currently i am working blockchain development. Programming is my passion and i proudly working with many languages like python, react.js, Rust, soliditary etc.

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