
A lot of people wonder if you can really make money from home part time. The answer to that question is a definite yes. A quick fact, 20,000 people a week start a home business. The truth is, if you don't have a part time home based business even if you work full time, you are leaving money on the table.

With a home business, you can write off a lot of expenses like your cell phone, gasoline, partial home expenses etc. You have to take advantage of every opportunity that can put more money in your pocket. The philosophy that really changed my financial situation was "Profits are better than wages". Wages make you a living which is good, but profits make you a fortune which is even better. So when you have a home based business part time, think of it like this. You work for a living full time and now you are working on your fortune part time. The best is when your part time business makes as much money as your full time job. It took me about 6 months to do that working 12-15 hours a week on my part time business. Some people don't even get the opportunity to start a home based business part time and it is very unfortunate.

What kind of home business should you start? That is an excellent question. You should start a home business that excites you. You have to enjoy it and have a burning desire for it to work for you. Don't just jump home business to home business because you won't go anywhere if you don't put some time in it for it to start growing.

Is the product important for your home based business? Absolutely yes! If the product wasn't any good, you will go out of business. Make sure that the product can sell itself and you just have to represent it. What I personally started was a healthy coffee business.

Why healthy coffee? Remember when I said the product must sell itself, coffee sells itself. There are 255 million coffee drinkers in north America alone who are consuming 2-5 cups a day. The crazy thing is they are willing to pay up to $5.00 a cup! You can thank Starbucks for that because they made it socially acceptable to spend that kind of money for coffee.

The problem with regular coffee is that it's acidic in nature which can cause a lot of health problems like, weaken immune system and stomach ulcers. The great thing about healthy coffee is that its good for you. It actually makes you feel good and brings your body back into balance. A lot of people associate healthy with bad tasting. Now imagine if this healthy coffee tasted as good or better than any coffee shop coffee. Guess what guys, it tastes amazing and that's why my home based business is booming.

Remember one thing, your home based business has to be easy, simple and fun.




I am professional blogger and wordpress developer. I am knowledge seeker. Currently i am working blockchain development. Programming is my passion and i proudly working with many languages like python, react.js, Rust, soliditary etc.

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