
MySpace is the largest friend networking site in existence today. Millions of members have set up profiles to connect with friends, family, interest groups and so on. I will not get into the history of MySpace right now, but I will share some information with you that will change your life, and possibly your wallet size.

The largest obstacle with owning a site today is getting traffic to it. It can take a lot of time, effort and money to market your site and gain valued visitors.

With MySpace however, the visitors are already there ... they just need to see your message.
I set up an account with MySpace a few months ago and joined various marketing, internet and ecommerce groups. I also added "friends" who belong to these groups. Currently I have around 27,000 people on my contact list who share the same interest as me - making money online.

At any given time, I can post a bulletin, send a message, post to my blog or update my profile with a link to my latest venture. The more friends you have on your list; the better. The reason for this is because if you have 27,000 available people to market to, you're also marketing to their friends and friends of their and so on once they view the others' profile.

Now for the challenging part - adding thousands of friends. Man searching for and adding people in your target audience can take days or even months. Fortunately I've found a program that claims to be the Official MySpace Friend Adder . This program has been my most valuable marketing tool to use. You can easily add thousands of contacts within just a couple of minutes.

See you on MySpace!




I am professional blogger and wordpress developer. I am knowledge seeker. Currently i am working blockchain development. Programming is my passion and i proudly working with many languages like python, react.js, Rust, soliditary etc.

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