
My online business venture started back in 2002, when I first learned how to make money from home on my computer...It was difficult. My company had just filed for bankruptcy and we were all laid off. My computer was a network marketing communication company. We signed checks of up to $30,000 a month for distributors.

So I vowed never work again but to start my own business. I already knew there was a lot of possibilities with the internet and network marketing. So I started learning how to make money from home on my computer by venturing into affiliate marketing. It was tough, but I overcame the initial troubles and hung in there. Within a short period, I was making money by promoting a business that had tools for online businesses. That was very important to me. Promoting products that other online marketers use was very important and it should be important to you too as you venture into this field.

There are many different ways to make money from home using your computer. But affiliate marketing is the fastest, because you can be in business within a few hours after learning what to do. You can also learn to produce your own products. Great idea, but I did not go down this path. I chose a path that will help me interact with others and earn passive residual income without working much, after the inertial efforts.

I focused my attention on low cost business, by low cost I mean less than $20 a month. These are little gem in business that most people don't see. But they bring in thousands of dollars a month. Learning how to make money from home on my computer enabled me to gain true financial freedom and time freedom. You too can learn how to do the same. I love and enjoy helping others see the potential in these low cost internet business.

Most are fake businesses. But the few low cost online businesses, that are legitimate will produce huge benefits to those who decide to learn how the market the products and the opportunity properly. I would encourage you to start where you can make money and start right. Learn to do the right things and you will grow your business. You can create a home based business that will be lucrative and fun by learning how to make money the right way.




I am professional blogger and wordpress developer. I am knowledge seeker. Currently i am working blockchain development. Programming is my passion and i proudly working with many languages like python, react.js, Rust, soliditary etc.

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