
Squidoo lenses, the Web 2.0 way of creating webpages instantly, monotize it and make money with ease. One can make money and get benefit out of these lenses provided if they understand how the lens work and what is squidoo all about. Lot of people write about squidoo briefly in their lens, blogs but they never say what is that all about and will try to market their guides and make money from it. Having all these things in mind, I am planning to put down my experience and knowledge about squidoo in this article.

Prepare to write:

Preparing to write is nothing but choosing a topic to write about. Think about something which you are so interested upon and have knowledge about. Primarily its all about understanding your niche. Even if you want to share some information or talk about something you can write it. The secret behind in choosing a nice is, You should be able to write consistently and make this fresh. Write it in such a way that the readers should be keep coming back to your lens for more information.

If you are a really good writter/blogger and can write about wide range of topics then you can go and check out Google Trends (Give a search about "Google Trends") and find out the hot topic to write.

Create a promising profile:

Update your profile with your picture and your expertise and other information. Your profile must be a promising one and show up to others as if you are an expert. This will give the readers some trust and will help them in involving discussions on your lens and will become fan of yours. This is not as vital as your lens content but this is important. You need to get attention from people to build your empire.

Create appropriate tags and lens URL:

Tags and lens URL are so important from SEO point of view and by its name it can pull audience to your lens. Tags are so important to find your information and lens content. If your dont know how to create tags find a lens from your niche (topic or area of interest) and copy paste in yours. In squidoo you can create handy number of tags which can really bring in targeted traffic. Search in Google about Tags in squidoo in your niche and you can copy paste that if you are not an expert.

The next point is creating a nice URL. Choose a nice URL with a good keyword. To get keywords from your niche use some online keyword tools like WordTracker, Overture etc which is my favourite. For example if you want to write about halloween day then create a URL like http://www.hubpages.com/

Provide Quality Content:

Now once you are done with all the above, its time to write the content or think about writting one. Always try to provide some unique and quality content. Dont try to copy contents from other site or from your already published blogs. Try to provide fresh and newly written contents. Quality contents will attract audiences and will make them to come back.

Add related feeds:

Add feeds from your blogs or websites to your squidoo lens so that your lens look fresh with updates from your blog. This will also help you to bring traffic to your blog and give you a backlink to your blog.

Monetize your lens:

Monetize your lens with pre-defined modules like Amazon, Ebay, Cafepress etc and can start earning money from your lens. Try to recommend some products related to your lens topic. You can even optimize your lens with AdSense and can multiply your income. Apart from these things, make your lens keyword rich while writing the content. Try reading some basic SEO materials about how to make an article keyword rich.

Add Polls:

Try to engage your readers with polls apart from giving them nice content to read and comment. Give them some interesting polls based on the latest hot topics and trends.

Try to blurb:

Try to comment(blurb) in other people Guest books in your related niche. Give some useful blurbs so that it attracts visitors towards your profile and lens.

Promote your lens:

Its time to spread the word now.

  1. Share your lens with your friends.

  2. Join a squidoo group related to your niche

  3. Add your other lenses to the Lensroll.

  4. Share your lens in all the bookmarking networking sites. (digg it, del.icio.us it, stumbile it and do whatever u want)

  5. Add a squidoo lens links from your blog or website to direct the visitors to your lens.

  6. If you know a nice article related to your topic written by some one then try linking it

  7. Add videos from YouTube etc and make your lens look more informative.

Create more lens:

Create more lens on the topics you are interested or on topics where can show your expertise. If you can create more lens and keep updating the same there is high chance of increasing your money and traffic soon.

Hope the above points will help you guyz. Start creating lenses and become a giant squidoo! Cheers!




I am professional blogger and wordpress developer. I am knowledge seeker. Currently i am working blockchain development. Programming is my passion and i proudly working with many languages like python, react.js, Rust, soliditary etc.

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