
1. Use blogging as a means of social media marketing

A blog is the Internet's version of the corner soap box. It is an outlet that can be used by the average individual to disseminate information. The blog is one of the most effective tools to do everything from developing a large following to promoting new products.

It is often through a company's blog that both small and large companies get vital information to their customers. If you want to use social media marketing affecting then you need a blog.

2. Use Twitter marketing to promote messages for other users

Twitter has become one of the largest promotional centers in the world which makes Twitter marketing a powerful tool.

You will often hear this person tweeted this or this celebrity tweeted that. Twitter is one of the most effective ways to use social media marketing to turn the ordinary into the extraordinary.

3. Use Facebook Marketing as a form of online marketing

Facebook has emerged over the last year as the friend everyone wants. Everyone is either using it or trying to become a part of it. One of the best strategies to make use of Facebook marketing is the use of the Facebook fan page and Facebook personal page.

The Facebook fan page is one of the must have tools in your social media marketing arsenal. It allows for a direct connection to your fans and customers. It may also be used to develop better overall marketing strategies with the information that is literally handed over to you from your fans.

4. Use YouTube marketing to boost your blog

There is nothing that lights-up the internet like a good viral video. Weather it is the racy Go Daddy videos or other viral videos, they produce a great deal of attention and traffic.

A good viral video can make your business enterprise a household name and produce residual traffic for your enterprise for weeks to come.

5. Use Twitter marketing to expose your products to more people

Endorsements have always been a tool of any marketing firm. Big names carry weight and often have explosive marketing power. Twitter marketing and Facebook marketing allow for this power to be tapped.

Twitter can expose your product to millions of people simply because you partnered with a big name personality.

6. Use social media marketing to make money

Blog reviews are another big way to generate traffic, buzz, and sales. It's another form of endorsements and is a great bang for your buck. A good review could yield you 5 times to 10 times what you paid for it.

Be sure that the person producing the review for you has a rather large following so that you can receive the best value for your money.

7. Use Twitter marketing to make giveaways go viral

One of the best ways to make use of social media is to host a giveaway using social media outlets. The simple investment of the giveaway could yield you many new twitter followers, hundreds of new Facebook fans, and build your email subscription list. This is another Twitter marketing strategy that has long term benefits.

8. Use social media marketing to hook up with celebrities

Social bookmarking sites allow you to make a mark that can be stumbled upon later on. Some of the best sites for social media marketing are:

- Digg.com

- StumbleUpon

- Reddit

These sites are great for storing links, organizing them, and directing traffic to your business website.

9. Use social media marketing strategies that are often overlooked

You are probably using Twitter marketing and Facebook marketing already. MySpace and other social networking sites are often overlooked when it comes to social media marketing. The effectiveness of them however has not diminished. It is still a major platform used by music artist to distribute music and other items.

There aren't any major companies that do not have a MySpace page, and you should too! There are still people that religiously use their MySpace pages and they make a great target audience for your marketing strategy.

10. Use Twitter marketing, Facebook marketing, and YouTube marketing all together

The best social media marketing strategy is to combine Facebook marketing, Twitter marketing, and YouTube marketing all together. You can have your Facebook fans follow you on twitter while checking out your website.

You can then have the people checking out your website participate in your give away which drives them back to your social media hub. You will have an injection of new traffic from your celebrity connection!

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I am professional blogger and wordpress developer. I am knowledge seeker. Currently i am working blockchain development. Programming is my passion and i proudly working with many languages like python, react.js, Rust, soliditary etc.

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