Before getting into the details, let's discuss a short myth; Ignis fatuus. Is it true, that 1000 views make a dollar on YouTube? The answer to this simple question is No. There is no virtual connection between the amount of money and the number of views you get on YouTube. However, a greater number of views will help you in sponsorship, YouTube partnership and earnings through third party payroll ads. There is no such hypothesis which tends to resolve this conflict of the straight dependence of the number of views and the estimated revenue (I know the low CPM on your AdSense account is bothering you, but that too is a rough estimate). Before understanding how to make more money on YouTube, we need to know the basics of pay-per-click (PPC) marketing.
Caution: Geek stuff ahead, proceed with your brains!
PPC is a marketing strategy employed to drive more traffic to your website inorganically (the opposite of it is SEO).
This knowledge includes paying money to the search engines to display your website on the search engine's Web page. Since around 51. 2% of the total web, searches occur over Google; we will get into the in depths of Google marketing.
You have made a website, and you wish to advertise on it, and you pay Google a substantial share, that's it and Bravo your website is at the top of the search results!Sounds too simple right, but wait, there are thousands of other sites offering their content which may be similar or even better than yours. The question arises "How does Google rank them?". Well the first criteria is an easy guess Money, the more it is, the higher is the rankings. Apart from this Google believes in providing quality content, as it simply won't ruin its reputation showing unrelated and underdeveloped websites only to gain few bucks and to act on the people's faith. The things get a bit more complicated when the Google AdWords auction comes into play, apart from the bidding procedure, Google takes into consideration PPC campaigns, supportive backlinks, less competitive long tail keywords and how well optimised the site is.
The ad rankings are devised Based on these factors. You might be asking what has it got to do with my videos. Remember poor ad rankings mean higher CPC rates (that's what we want!!) There are two ways how ad companies pay Google, first is the Cost per view (CPV) : according to the number of times an ad is seen on the video the payments are made to the creator. The ad companies are looking for, the sales of their products and what they want is to get the user through their landing page rather than only being viewed from the outside (which perhaps may evoke interest but to a lesser extent) this endorsement strategy is a bit outdated and suffers from lower revenues for your YouTube videos.
The second one is my personal favourite (the ad companies love it too) the cost per click (CPC) technique, the only problem being the higher pay rates (good for us!). The AdWords auction has a bidding on keywords which are relevant to ad companies, while some keywords may be competitive some are a little cared about for example the keywords over insurance, home mortgage and finance are insanely competitive, and the highest of the bids go there. What you want is to choose a suitable title, description and even subtitles to employ these keywords in your videos. The search engines have spiders and bots to identify them from the rest of the videos and help you rank higher.
Remember quality content is a necessity in YouTube as the audience retention time is a critical factor in rankings. Use catchy custom thumbnails and headlines.
Headlines are where your head lies. If you were to ask a copywriter how essential a headline is, he would say that he spends 90% of his time rewriting headlines. So how should you write the first one? First of all, I want you to ask these three questions to you;
One why would the people be willing to click on your video?
Two what would hold them until the end?
Three why would they even care to like or subscribe?
The answer to the first question is self-interest. Why did you click on my article"Get 10, 000$ per month on YouTube" simple because it promotes one of your self-interest, information that concerns about you is something that is important for you (you can't miss getting 10, 000$!). These considerations are what you have to take in mind while uploading videos: make the viewers reluctant to click on them.
Having learnt how important a headline is now you have to optimise your description, here are some rules:
Make sure the keywords used in the title are taken multiple times (Just don't be intrusive, keep it natural and gimmicking stuff) include these keywords in your tags too. (Choose at least 5 to 10 cards) and your channel description must assure that you specialise in providing that particular content (search bots will read it is leading to increased authority for you: better search rankings).
Provide a hyperlink at the beginning of description: it just acts as a backlink for your videos improving searchability.
If you are truly a lazy bum then the last option would be taking the help of a freelancer, there are numerous websites (freelancer, fiverr and up work to name a few) that would do your job at best prices possible.
You mentioned using highly paid keywords I saw "Mesothelioma law firm" has the highest cost per click (117$) can I make a video on that and earn huge money?
I wish it could have been that simple. However, it isn't likely the way so. The nature of the ads depends on the content of your video, and the CPC rates rely on the viewership this means you are never going to get the same 117$ paying ad flashing on your video (it's alliterative but likely not). Since mesothelioma is a disease, low CPC rate healthcare and law firm agencies ads might pop up in your video, barely making any difference in your revenues.
What if I start to click on the ads shown in my video? If not can I make a fake account and click on my ads?
The answer to the first question is a clear no Google has strict rules against it, and such type of action can permanently block your AdSense account. The second question is somewhat acceptable you can get paid by clicking on your ads through a fake account, for a beginner after 45% deduction in CPC rates he gets 3 to 6 cents on an average for getting to the 100$ threshold you can do the math.
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