
Many internet marketers who have gotten over the critical hump of reaching their threshold in income through their email lists often slide back into failure because they overlook a few key factors in email marketing. Take a look and see if you are ignoring these issues.

Let's say you've reached critical mass and your niche calls for 6,000 subscribers to get you the necessary ongoing income to sustain your lifestyle. now that you've reached that level where do you go from here?

In many instances the effort to get to the goal causes burnout

If you've reached your goal number and haven't prepared adequate follow-through for your subscribers, you will not be able to sustain your growth level. Opt in email marketing is like building and maintaining a large dam. You have to keep the water in but on any given day there is water going out. the same is true of email marketing. you must develop and maintain your system to keep more people in the system than those leaving. many new IM's have taken so much energy to get to the goal that they slack off once the money is good. pay attention to these factors.

The most popular days to send email to your subscribers.

The research is still showing that Tuesday (25.4%) is still the most popular day for sending messages with Wednesday coming up a close second at 23.3%. Thursday follows at 18.3% Sunday at 1.4% and Saturday at 0.9%. You can monitor your auto-responder for the most effective times of the day as well.

The stats on send times are interesting as well

The study shows that half of all email messages were sent between 8 a.m. and noon. It seems that 17.8% went out in the 9 a.m. hour. About three quarters of all messages were sent out between 7 a.m. and 4 p.m.

People seem to like opening their email before noon.

The 11 o'clock hour was the highest time for opening email. More than half of all messages were opened during the period of 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. It seems that the U.S. West Coast email recipients checked their emails before noon and the East Coast recipients caught up on their email reading right after lunch.

When tracking your results look for the often neglected Click-to-open rate.

The great thing about working with a strong email marketing service is the ability to thoroughly track your email campaigns. many email marketers look for two things that determine whether they've succeeded or not in a targeted email campaign; Click-through rates and Open rates. You can also combine Open rates and click-through rates to find the Click-to-open rate or (CTOR). This is the calculation of unique open and unique clicks. This number tells you how effectively your message was in getting the people who opened your email to click on a link in response to your message. What it tells you is how many people were motivated to take action on your message.

For maximum effectiveness, ditch the graphics

A Jupiter Research poll showed that more consumers responded more favorably to text based emails. A whopping 54% responded to product or service descriptions, 40% responded to the message in the body copy. The subject line captured the attention and persuaded 35% of the consumers to take action and 33% responded to the compelling offer to take action.

Only 12% responded favorably to a large single image while 9% responded to multiple smaller images. When a search box was included in the email, 6% used the search box. If you usually send out HTML emails, be aware that 6% of the public still uses text only emails.

Keep your subject line short

The studies conducted by EmailLabs shows that subject lines of 50 characters or less in length pulled the best responses. Another interesting statistic shows that an increased number of hyperlinks in an email led to greater click-through rates. While the size of the message was not a determining factor, email messages of 20 to 79 kb range did slightly better than messages of smaller size.

Keep these findings in mind when reviewing your email marketing system. keep your subject line short, add lots of links in your email body and avoid images in your email whenever possible. Give the reader plenty of opportunity to take action. Above all, give the reader something useful and appropriate to their interests. That will definitely keep your base secure and cut down on the un-subscribers. You've worked hard to get to critical mass; this is not the time to take that hard work for granted.




I am professional blogger and wordpress developer. I am knowledge seeker. Currently i am working blockchain development. Programming is my passion and i proudly working with many languages like python, react.js, Rust, soliditary etc.

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