
A lot of people, especially internet marketers, are using the ever-famous micro-blogging service known as Twitter to market their businesses, websites, and the rest to other people using the same service. They do this because of the large market that takes part in the fun features of Twitter, the potential marketing opportunities found in social networking sites, and of course building and maintaining relationships with friends, otherwise referred to as "potential customers". In truth, a lot of people are able to gain a lot of web traffic using the service because of one simple technique and that's building relationships.

How are building and establishing strong relationships a helpful marketing strategy in Twitter? When learning how to use Twitter to make money online, internet marketers tend to forget that this website is meant to function as a social networking website catering to people who want to connect and share content to their friends, otherwise known as "followers", all over the world. By directly advertising their businesses through countless number of tweets, people tend to become intimidated or annoyed by these promotional updates and would immediately un-follow or block the user all at once. The best way to use Twitter to make money is to first do what every other Twitter member is doing, which is following other people's tweets and making friends online.

Here are a few interesting tips on how to use Twitter to make money online:

o You want to establish yourself as a Twitter member but would like to gain more traffic and increase sales for your online business. You can do just that by signing up as a Twitter member, use a unique username, and start posting updates about yourself or your interests.

o Next, look for friends who are using Twitter or follow the Twitter updates of those who you think share the same interests as you. You can also use a simple marketing technique, which is searching through Twitter for people who may be looking for products and services that you are selling online based on related keywords and keyword phrases.

o If you've already gained enough followers to create a wide network, you can begin by posting interesting content in your updates or tweets. These include articles that may be of interest to them, videos from YouTube.com and other video sharing sites, and even links to pictures and online Flash games that might interest them.

o Those you have followed are most likely going to follow you back, so take this time to begin interesting conversations with your followers and establish relationships from there. This will insure them that you are a person they can rely on and can trust online, giving you more chances to secure customers for your online business.

o Once you have made several friends through Twitter, you can begin by introducing your business to them, posting links and pictures of the products you are selling, and wait for the traffic rates to go up, the web rankings to go higher, and of course the sales to increase in number.




I am professional blogger and wordpress developer. I am knowledge seeker. Currently i am working blockchain development. Programming is my passion and i proudly working with many languages like python, react.js, Rust, soliditary etc.

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