
The Basic Process Of Earning Money Online

Did you know that just about everyone can be successful at earning an income online whether it be a part time or full time income. With way over 3 billion internet users regardless way that you decide to go there are many others interested in the same niche.

One of the first things that should be done prior to any niche selection is research into the niche to see just how many others are actively searching within the nook that you can connect to through various methods.

A Small Chunk Of Online Real Estate

I want to show you just how you can choose a small chunk of online real estate and develop it into a revenue producing website that keeps on giving month after month indefinitely.

I will not lie to you by saying that prior technical or internet experience does not make a difference. However everyone can learn and the ones that have prior knowledge or experience can possibly put that to use, but there are a number of steps that need to be followed wherever you are experienced or not.

It's obvious that some will progress at a faster pace than others due to a few different factors. So if you are a newbie to making money online or an experienced internet entrepreneur the same steps need to be followed in order for you to reach you full potential in all of your online ventures, so there's no need to be a "techie".

Do not Be Overwhelmed

I know that whenever we start something new there can be some hurtles to overcome and we can at times become overwhelmed. Accept that and take a break, maybe even a nice walk and regroup. Go back and take a fresh look and wear your "patience" cap while you break it down into small steps and overcome each obstacle one by one.

Get used to overcoming problems that are common to all and move forward because to be successful in any business, you need to have a problem solver and patient. Be someone that finishes and settles each matter as you grow in knowledge and experience each day.

I guess that its like skating or riding a bike, you might fall a time or two but when you are persistent you will see the positive results that you're seeking and accomplishing the goals that lead you to success.

Do not Remake The Pathway

Keep in mind that many wander off course and get lost also get shipwrecked and ever quit or fall out never tasting the thought after success. Do not get distracted or confused and try to remake the pathway but regroup and stay on course to reach the desired destination. There's no doubt that if you can stick with it you'll get the needed understanding to proceed and bear fruit from your efforts.

Many are good at starting projects but successful people are those that are good at finishing projects. So find your answers and be a finisher.

Success is really an inner thing. Win every battle and overcome each hurtle or obstacle as it presents itself. By doing this the mind and spirit are trained to succeed and you'll reach your goals, do not settle for less. Everything that you do today, each step will certainly pay off in the future. The efforts that you put forth now will pay off in the future and many times will keep on paying you indefinitely, month after month.

Here's a look at how you'll be creating a continuous online income that can last as long as you live and well beyond that and can be sold or handed down to a loved one.

Step # 1 is to choose a niche or interest that you like and can easily learn and write about. You can also choose something that is completely new to you if there's a passion for learning and growing within that niche.

Step # 2 is to build a website or have one built for you. I would highly recommend building your own as you will need constant access to the admin dashboard for regular changes, additions and general editing. As you grow in knowledge and understanding you'll be making changes to your site and it will be transformed step by step.

Step # 3 is getting traffic flowing to the site or attracting visitors. The first kind of traffic to get is the Free kind, and there is a lot of that with all of the social media, forums, etc.

Step # 4 is to earn revenue. Once you have visitors coming to your site on a regular basis you'll have all of the potential to earn revenue online. There are many ways to generate income with regular traffic flow.

This is a proven process and the one that 100,000's of others are using today. It is also the ultimate "money making" process that worked years ago, is working today and will continue to produce results for years to come. This is a process that will reveal as much opportunity within the world of the internet as you are willing to go after.

These 4 steps need to be focused on one at a time and the making money part is the last step, after all else is done. Without a nice website filled with quality content followed by regular site visitors the revenue earning part at the end just will not happen.

No Rushing Allowed

It is very important not to rush or try to go to fast as making a race out of the process will breed mistakes. Going to fast will most likely leave a number of things either undone or done poorly that you'll certainly be correcting at a future date.

You will reach your goals and possibly later than originally planned but a solid foundation is essential to build your online business and generate continuous revenue for yourself. With over 3 billion viewers online in 2017 searching for things continuously, information, solutions to their problems, and looking to purchase items.

This is where you will come into the picture with your website and help these seekers by offering them answers, how to information, services and products to buy. So you are helping others and learning an income at the same time.

Serve Others First

One thing that you really need to understand is that before the sales part of your business takes place you first need to take care of those seeking help. When you provide their answers and build their trust with fine quality website content, then they will feel comfortable and possibly purchase what it is that you are offering to them.

Do not Get The Cart before The Horse

If your website and online store is not ready to open for business it might be a good idea to wait until it is. Do not allow your site to become a portal, or worse, a dump for promotions or announcements. That would really hurt your brand integrity and your recognition as an authority within your niche.

When you help others they are far more likely to purchase what you're offering to help solve their personal situations. If you just simply try to sell them products you most likely will lose them and your profits quickly. There are to many competitive sites offering quality content and products to choose from.

One more thing on the subject is that your website will not get a very good ranking with the search engines without lots of quality content. So take your time with the correct understanding that you are building an online business from scratch, first the foundation and then step by step until it's ready for your visitors to see.

This business when it's built up will serve others in some way and generate income and more visitors month to month for years to come. So take your time and enjoy your learning experience and journey.

Customer Summary

There is something called "customer comprehension" where you first determine just who your potential customer is and what their needs are. It's really easy to waste time and money promoting something that you think sounds great and customers should love, but do not make assumptions about your customers preferences.

Do your research and see what the facts say, gain a true understanding through keyword searches and proceed from there. Developing this habit will help you to become much more successful as time goes by as your time management will be more productive.

Let's Take A Look At This

See the steps that someone takes between the time that they learn something and the time that they actually make a purchase:

  • Most customers can see through a scam promotion and are very turned off by it.
  • Customers are exchanging their hard earned money for something that you're offering them that will improve their situation.
  • Customers have access to all of the information on the internet, including reviews, and can make wise choices.
  • Customers will not buy from someone that they do not trust.
  • Customers rarely buy on their first opportunity or contact point.
  • It typically takes about seven times before someone makes an online purchase. This can be from emails, site visits and other sources.

Bearing Fruit From Your Efforts

We all want to make a profit and bear fruit from all of our efforts but it's easy to lose track of the fact that running a business is built upon getting to know our customers and building a trusting relationship with them.

These are real people and this is a people business. Real seekers coming to your site looking for answers, reading your content and if they have a very user friendly experience at your web space, might purchase something from you. Always remember, because your success will be affected one way or the other as time moves forward.

This, as previously stated, is a time tested and proven process on how to make money online that has worked in the past and will continue to work well into the future or indefinitely.




I am professional blogger and wordpress developer. I am knowledge seeker. Currently i am working blockchain development. Programming is my passion and i proudly working with many languages like python, react.js, Rust, soliditary etc.

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