
Using Facebook ads to promote your business can have a hugely positive ROI when it's done right. However, all too often, irrelevant, poor quality, bad timing, and poorly targeted ads are created and run. And that means wasted money, and a potential blemish on your reputation.

If your goal is to generate more traffic then you should be aware of your CPC rate on your campaign. Read on to find out how you can get more clicks on your Facebook ads.

Tip #1 - Target your audience - It's important that you target a relevant audience. Now this might sound like common sense, yet it is one of the most commonly missed steps When you target your audience you will increase your click through rate.

Tip #2 - Create more than one ad - It's a good idea to have more than one ad. This lets you tailor your message and it allows you to experiment on your approach to find the ad that works the best and gets the highest click through rate. You can run more than one ad and get an idea within a few days which ad does better.

Tip #3 - Replace the default image - Facebook will pull an image from your link and use that image as the visual default for your ad. You should remove it and upload your own image. The recommended size is 600x 315 pixels. It's important to size the image otherwise it's not going to look good.

If you are designing your own image don't make it too heavy with text. Remember Facebook will only approve an image that has more than 20 percent text. An image that is bright and catches the eye is a good choice. Try to avoid blue or white as these colors don't stand out and finally, make sure your viewers can discern what your product/service is.

Tip #4 - Use a strong call to action - You should use a call to action button in your ad. It's worth it! Individuals are much more likely to click an ad that is clearly showing them what to do next.

Tip #5 - Pull the plug if the need arises - If your campaign has too high of a CPC to make any money, then you should not hesitate to end the campaign. You should create a new campaign and see how that one does. It's good to evaluate your campaigns on an ongoing basis.




I am professional blogger and wordpress developer. I am knowledge seeker. Currently i am working blockchain development. Programming is my passion and i proudly working with many languages like python, react.js, Rust, soliditary etc.

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