MLM Overview
MLM can be a very powerful compensation plan model, as you leverage the power of other people in your network to make money for you (network marketing). This is how so many fortunes are made in the MLM business. Now, instead of being paid only every time you make a sale, you get paid when other people in your downline make sales. If this excites you, as it does me, then you have just felt the attraction to this model. Most heavy hitters in the affiliate marketing arena promote only MLM Network Marketing programs for this reason alone - to leverage the power of other people, and make a lot of money doing it.
Building Your Network Marketing Team
Step 1) Find or create the perfect opportunity. By this I mean you need an attractive MLM business model. This includes a valuable product or service people want or need, with an attractive comp plan attached. People want to make money on your MLM program, and they want to do it quickly, so set your comp plan / commissions structure accordingly (or choose the one you promote), so that members get to break even and profit points as fast as possible. How many sales will it take to break even? How many sales will it take to be in profit? How much leverage does the plan offer? Know, use, and believe in your MLM's product or service, and get to understand the comp plan well, so you can be knowledgeable when your MLM leads and downline ask questions.
Step 2) Brand yourself. Become an expert on your subject and your products / services. Become an expert on the programs you are promoting. Make yourself accessible. Add a photo or video of yourself on your replicated website. Add some "about me" text that shows your personality. Give your phone number. Be inviting, and be passionate about your MLM business. Come from a place of confidence. Be positive and expect good results. If you think you can, you're right. If you think you can't, you're also right. We attract our thoughts, and we become what we think about. For more on information this, I highly recommend "Think And Grow Rich", by Napoleon Hill. This book has had a profound impact on my life, and many others. It is also in the public domain, and you may download a pdf for free, or read it online at the link above.
Step 3) Create your lead funnel system using trusted and proven MLM Software. This needs to be attractive, with an irresistible offer, and easily duplicated (self replicating). In other words, a lead capture page with opt in form, built in autoresponder and affiliate tracking automatically created for each new lead and member who joins your team (and the program). For those new to this industry, an opt-in form is a field for name and or email, for your prospects to submit their information. It may contain more fields, such as phone number, and custom fields, if desired. At the very least you want to capture the email address. Next you want to automatically follow up with the prospect via email, and that is exactly what the autoresponder does. It sends an immediate email, as well as additional follow up emails, at pre-defined intervals, set in days.
Build your own list with your lead capture page and autoresponder. This is your warm market. Send them good useful information on a regular basis (I recommend once a week), but do not inundate them, as this will be seen as spam, even though they have opted in. Be respectful of your subscriber's inboxes.
The entire MLM leads / downline building system (sales page, opt-in form, autoresponder, sign up form, payment, and downline builder, etc.) needs to be super simple (easy to understand, and easy to use), attractive, and easy to duplicate for each member (self replicating). Most importantly, everything needs to be fully automated. This will allow you time to focus on making sales, instead of being bogged down with petty administrative tasks. Post instructions - text or videos - on everything you do to train your members - and make it available in the members area. Share your best advertising resources with your members and downline teams.
Step 4) Drive targeted traffic to your sales funnel on a regular basis. Non-targeted traffic is completely worthless. Your traffic absolutely must be targeted.
The website should do the work for you. Let interested leads contact you via the website. Only email people who have contacted you, and have therefore invited you to contact them. This is known as an opt-in lead, or permission based marketing. Some call this attraction marketing. The lead has read your website material, and has now opted in to receive more information, or a free tool. This is a warm market, and will be far more receptive to your offers. Don't spam, and always offer links to opt-out of future mailings.
Call your leads and new members. This is a personal touch that has proven to work wonders, and almost no one does this. Show you care, and you will stand out - big time. People will pay attention and be more likely to trust you. Making some personal time for your MLM leads and downline will create sales. Relationship build. Listen to your prospects. Try to be helpful. If appropriate, freely give a good tip or resource pertinent to their situation. Offer value. To sure to develop a good script to use on your calls. Don't tell stories, or go overboard about how great your product is. Keep your pitch short, and leave them wanting more. Point them to more information your website, or invite them to a conference call.
Sales is a numbers game, so make sure you are driving large numbers of targeted leads to your sales funnel on a regular basis.
Use social media sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.
I am about to reveal what may be the holy grail for cheap MLM Network Marketing Promotions. is a freelancer marketplace, filled with listings of what freelancers will do for you, for only $5 - including but not limited to, getting your message out to their thousands of MLM Network Marketing followers on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc..
Take advantage of Search for MLM, and Network Marketing. Find gigs with Fiverr members who have large followings on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook. Search for large numbers, followed by the network you'd like to solicit, and include the terms MLM or network marketing such as "30,000 LinkedIn MLM ", or "100,000 twitter network marketing". Be sure to read the listing carefully, as some will say "No MLM or network marketing" so you need to pay attention. Find postings that hit your market, have a nice following, and above all, the poster has a good feedback rating.
Even a small following can be worthwhile if the freelancer delivers good content to your niche (his subscribers are active - i.e. read his/her posts and the list of followers is targeted to MLM network marketing).
For best results, I recommend using Google's advanced search function to search multiple keywords on Fiverr. Simply go to and format your search like so: "10,000 LinkedIn MLM" without the quotes. Your keywords are separated by spaces, the site variable tells Google only to search on the domain. Alter your searches as desired. Try various odd numbers 5,000, 10,000 32,000, 56,000, etc. Try "MLM followers" (without the quotes) - this one gives a nice set of results. You just need to browse the results for large followings - this is perhaps the easiest way to go. Try also "network marketing followers" (without the quotes)
Set up campaign tracking links (this is a MUST), so you can track the success rate of each campaign. Set up a separate campaign for each Fiverr freelancer you hire. This way you can see the results, and know which Fiverr gigs (or other ad sources) are worth your repeat business in the future, and which ones turned out to be duds.
Step 5) Follow up with each lead. Be honest about what your program offers and what you offer. Don't pitch pie in the sky nonsense. They will see right through that. Don't make promises that you will be do such and such for them, if you have no intention of following through after the sale. Always be honest, and forthcoming. As in all business, word of mouth gets around, and the internet makes the world a very small place. Build your reputation, and make it strong. Making the sale is about relationship building. Treat people with respect, just as you want to be treated. When speaking, ask questions, and get a feel for what your prospect needs, before you pitch them your product. This will help you to tailor your pitch accordingly.
Step 6) Email your downline often. Motivate them with stories of your success, and the success of others in your team and in the organization. Remind them to take action, and help them create an action plan with proven advertising resources.
Step 7) Repeat steps 4-6 on an ongoing basis, to keep fresh leads and sales flowing continuously into your MLM Network Marketing business.
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