
Online marketing is the fastest way of advertising to educate, promote, or market a product and services. And if you have to own website of products or services, then you must raise popularity among people for promoting your goods. If you have less time to in doing this, then you must use some web marketing tools for faster process.

Promoting in search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc., and Social Networking Sites will definitely increase product visibility in short span. But you need to use some Search Engine Optimization (SEO) tools to analyze and boost up the process.

1. Google Analytics Tool:

This powerful analysis tool is available for free from Google. You can generate detailed reports regarding blog or website traffic, keywords, visitors, landing pages, bounce rate, time on site and many more. Google Analytics is the most popularly used SEO Analysis tool with wide range of features and options.

2. Google AdWords Tool:

Another demotic and strong keyword analysis tool from Google. This SEO tool finds out the best searched keywords in Google search engine results. Keywords can be filtered out in three possible ways - Broad, Exact and Phrase matches. You can also get keywords related to a specific website. Enter any specific keyword(s) of your choice and get global & local monthly keyword searches.

3. SEOQuake:

SEOQuake is an add-on or extension for internet browsers like Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome. This is the most popular browser extension for website analysis. Using this tool, you could know the no. of inbound & outbound links, indexed pages, nofollow attributes, Page Rank, and much more of a particular web page.

4. BacklinkWatch:

This is a free and advanced backlink checker that generates details such as No. of backlinks, Google PageRank, and Nofollow attribute. BacklinkWatch takes data from Yahoo! web index and analyzes the web page.

5. SEMRush:

This is yet another online analysis tool which delivers the competitors keywords and links in organic and paid Google search results. This is developed by SEO Quake Company. There are two ways to analyze the competitors - Free and Pro. Free user gets only some basic keywords and urls of your site. But SEMRush Pro user gives you the detailed report of about 300 queries a day and 10,000 results per day. You can even download the report in Excel and CSV files.

6. iBusinessPromoter (IBP):

IBP is the top and best SEO software available today with bunch of analysis tools for website promotion and optimization, search engine tactics, and track the results of your internet marketing and SEO activities.

You can also submit links to all important search engines, directories, Social Media and Networking sites.




I am professional blogger and wordpress developer. I am knowledge seeker. Currently i am working blockchain development. Programming is my passion and i proudly working with many languages like python, react.js, Rust, soliditary etc.

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