Spam - Let's Break It Down
How to get yourself out of a blacklist of spam and how to find out if you have been included in one:
If you email is not reaching its destination it could be due to many reasons. One of the most common is the fact that someone or many people have labeled your emails as spam and this has landed your email in one of those lists.
A good way to avoid being seen as spam is to add people that you know because some mail codes will check for your listings and this will help you get out of the blacklists.
Spam Filter Glossary
Safe list: The kind of people that you want to get emails from.
White list: Same as the safe list just another way of calling it.
Black list: The addresses that you do not want to receive emails from. Some of this spammers will use email names that seem familiar to you in order for you to fall for the bait. This is called spoofing and it makes it harder to fight spam, but it can be done if you are careful and pay attention.
Spam score: This means that some software will rate the kind of spam you receive from a specific email. Depending on how high it scores, the email will be blacklisted or white listed. Usually there is a message that requests you if you want the email to be marked as spam or not just in case.
Junk mail: This is basically spam or unsolicited mail. Anything that you did not request or does not seem to be a contact you know can be considered as Junk mail.
Junk folder: This is where all your spam emails go to before they get deleted permanently from your storage. This allows you to recover emails that are not spam and accidently gotten in that list.
Spam: All unsolicited emails are spam. This is the same as junk mail but spam is the general term for this kind of mail.
Filter your folders and check that you are receiving emails in the right place.
Check the following references for Anti Spam:
Norton AntiSpam
AntiSpam works with Outlook Express, Netscape, yahoo and MSN / Hotmail to block unsolicited e-mail before it even makes it to your inbox.
McAfee Spam Killer
Spam Killer works along with Outlook, Outlook Express, MSN / Hotmail, and POP3 accounts to block spam before it arrives on your inbox.
Outlook also has its own folder that is mean for spam only. It has a very good system that decides what is spam and what is not spam, but the best thing you can do is customize it so that our address is always going to have immediate entry to your mail white list inbox. To allow any address you need to click on "safe senders" and just add the email you want.
Sharon Callix
Source by Sharon C Callix