Paid hosting means that a person pays a web hosting company to host their website. There are now hundreds of hosting companies out there and many of them will host websites for a very low rate of money. The average person should be able to find web hosting for a basic site for less than $ 5 a month.

Designing and Building the Site

Once hosting has been arranged a person has a number of choices for designing and building the site itself. A person could hire a professional web designer to do all of the work, this process can be expensive but it can save people from having to do the work themselves. A person can also take some classes and learn how to make a website themselves.

The easiest way to learn how to make a website is to use a prepackaged website. There are also many prepackaged websites out there, most hosting companies offer readymade prepackaged sites. With a prepackaged site all a person does is chose the design for the site and type in the content they want to appear on it. The person will also have to choose the features for the site. Most prepackaged sites look pretty good but they can have a real simple and artificial feel too them. Specialized and customized functions will not be available on such sites.

Specialized Functions

Something to keep in mind is how complex a site do you want. The more customized your site will be the more it will probably cost you. If you want or need specialized or customized functions for your site, such as downloading software it will cost you extra.

In most cases a person will have to hire a professional web page designer to create such a website. This could cost a lot of money if the professional has to spend a lot of time designing and testing the site. However, you can outsource this job to online freelancers from various websites and get a great deal. If you choose to go with this option make sure to check their previous website design work and references.

Reducing Website Costs

If you choose to go with a website design firm and spend a lot of money on this, then a good way to reduce costs and keep sites simple is to avoid having too many functions or features on a website. Instead of launching a site with all the functions, start with a simple site and add functions if the revenue flow warrants their creation. An example of this would be to use a simple e-mail address for contact or to use PayPal to collect payments. Such steps might not look that fancy but they could save you money and enable you to get a website up and running faster.

Something that a person who wants to learn how to make a website should learn is how to control costs. Keeping websites simple can reduce the costs and increase the revenue flow from the sites.



I am professional blogger and wordpress developer. I am knowledge seeker. Currently i am working blockchain development. Programming is my passion and i proudly working with many languages like python, react.js, Rust, soliditary etc.

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