
Google AdSense has morphed into a huge source of revenue for webmasters, bloggers and online marketers all over the globe. Being a development of Google, the most dedicated and reliable search engine that's also becoming increasingly content-driven, AdSense is considered the most synthesized income generator in the World Wide Web.

However, it's isn't like this always. It is not as much as popular as before due to various reasons affecting its capacity to generate money.

After the initial explosive uptake of AdSense, a lot of individuals came online and built business models around it, yet sites were structured purely to be monetized without any concern for content or subject relevance. These operations eventually got tagged as MAF (Made for AdSense) sites, and began to disproportionately rake in money from Google.

Genuine advertisers began to lose interest and move their time and resources towards more effective methods, which negatively affected bona fide publishers. In simple terms, fewer advertisers equates to smaller ad diversity and revenues.

Ultimately but not surprisingly, Google went ahead and made dramatic revisions to their core product. By making their Search Engine crawlers far more content-oriented; they made the focus sharply back to relevance and highly targeted searches.

Google began to sanction and penalize erring sites that it identified as spam. It has also been doing consistent monitoring and continuous improvements to its search algorithms (the latest being Google Penguin Update) which made life easier for authors who were publishing relevant, fresh, and informative content. The focus is then being transferred on quality as opposed to quantity.

So what now for all you aspiring Google AdSense money-making hopefuls?

Well, it's a great time to get onto the Google AdSense program. The driving principle remains the same---to reward publishers for the content that they create using their own time and resources.

Bloggers who have a dedicated and regular audience can definitely use AdSense to add some powerful income potential to their writings. Webmasters can curate content that is fresh, and structured to answer questions in order to drive organic traffic to their site, and their incomes through the roof.

Some pundits, including this writer, subscribe to the theory that there is no reason why webmasters and online marketers should desist completely from creating and running "Made for AdSense" websites. What Google hates is low quality, overly keyword-stuffed, and irrelevant content, and not against a good website irrespective of how much money it aims to, or does make at the moment.

Do your research, keep your finger on the pulse of things and stay abreast of Google's rules and regulations. There is almost no website that does not stand to make a fair amount of money from AdSense. You have to realize that Google wants you to make money because increase in your profits directly improves their returns.

You also need to understand trends and use of social media to improve enhance your earnings. If you integrate the basics of good web design, analytics, and content, there is no reason why AdSense cannot be a rip-roaring earner for you.




I am professional blogger and wordpress developer. I am knowledge seeker. Currently i am working blockchain development. Programming is my passion and i proudly working with many languages like python, react.js, Rust, soliditary etc.

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