How do WP Security Plug-ins Work?

In general, a WordPress security plugin works by reducing and hiding the vulnerabilities of your site. Aside from scanning and reporting your WP security problems, this plugin provides different automated security measures that make it difficult for cyber criminals to insert malicious scripts or perhaps steal sensitive information from your site.

But like I said earlier, it is not enough to simply use these add-ons. You must keep in mind that hackers work day and night just to steal all the websites they can amass quite easily. In fact, they are not doing it manually. They use special computer programs or bots that could creep into your system and attack your site's weak points. Once they find a hole, it would be easier for them to attack and steal all the information you have been working on for so many years.

How to increase the security of your website?

There are several ways on how you can increase the security of your website in addition to WordPress security plugin's and these are some of them:

1. Delete unused plugins. First thing you can do is to delete all of your unused plugins as these can provide loopholes that hackers can use to easily gain entry into your site. Take note that old and unused plugins are the primary factors that can attract malware attacks and many other website hosting problems.

2. Use .htaccess file. According to Matt Cutts of Google, using a .htaccess file is another way to secure your WP Admin site for it only allows access from specific IP address. You can do it by replacing the IPs with the ones you like to add in your white list.

3. Change your admin username to something other than "Admin" and use stronger passwords if you want to make it harder for Internet evildoers to infiltrate your site. When it comes to changing passwords, it is highly recommended to use stronger passwords consisting of at least fourteen characters such as lower case letters, capital letters, numbers and special characters.

4. Upgrade your WordPress version on a regular basis. This step is very important in keeping your site more secured since latest WP versions contain up-to-date bug fixes for any security vulnerabilities. The latest version of WordPress is version 3.4.1.

5. Hire a WP security service. Perhaps the most ideal thing to do when it comes to maintaining a website is hiring a WP security service that will do all the security measures you need for your site. This professional will ensure that no malicious script, hacker codes, malware attacks or any other website hosting issues could ever take your WP site away from you.



I am professional blogger and wordpress developer. I am knowledge seeker. Currently i am working blockchain development. Programming is my passion and i proudly working with many languages like python, react.js, Rust, soliditary etc.

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