Being an internet marketer will almost always involve creating squeeze and sales pages. You know you don't just create them from random tools as they have to be optimised so you can juice conversions out of them. Creating highly converting squeeze and sales pages can be totally time-consuming, and so several software and plug-ins have been programmed to help every online marketer get the job done well and efficiently. Here, you can read my entire review of Instabuilder. It is a WordPress plug-in, one among many others, that you can use to build marketing pages for your online business.
Instabuilder is a blog plug-in that will allow you to create visually attractive and feature rich squeeze and sales pages in less than 5 minutes. It also comes with a number of additional features that can give you 'one stop' solution for any of your web related marketing tasks. The feature list is extensive but I have outlined below some of the most notable things about Instabuilder.
• Social media integration - share your content in Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and other social networking websites
• Comments integration via Facebook or Disqus - share your thoughts and engage with your audience
• A choice from beautiful 'opt-in' widget - build an email list of your subscribers through nice looking squeeze pages
• Exit 'pop-ups' and redirects - keep prospective customers on your page for longer
• Viral content lock - only permit customers to view content if they share it
• Optimise pages for mobile devices - make your page compatible and responsive for mobile device browsing
• Analytics integration and split testing - easily test which squeeze and sales pages are working for you
• Integrate 'One Time Offers' (OTO) into your sales pages - use this feature to promote extra offers to your customers and get more conversions
• 'Point & Click' graphics - no need for any technical expertise, eliminate tedious tasks and save your time and effort
All of the web pages you can create with Instabuilder are completely responsive which means they render perfectly on desktops, laptops, tablets and smart phones.
Instabuilder is a must have tool for any marketing business in the internet because as it helps you create amazing sales and squeeze pages. It also gives you the freedom to post or promote products and brands on your site. It even allows you to capture leads without much work.
Another good feature that it offers you is its good and effective tools that will not require you to have a programmer's skills to use and master. With these tools, you can create a professional looking page with the right plug-ins that will surely add value to your capture page. Not to mention its 50+ ready-made templates that you can use.
A little drawback though, are the almost unbearable tutorial videos that are slow and narrated by a text-to-speech robot. This might work well with people who do not make use of manuals or instructions that much, but to everybody's benefit, I see this as something that is not beneficial. I also noticed that there are no pre-styled headlines, and that you only have the drop-down menus where you can select from a variety of fonts and sizes.
Despite these facts, the way I see it, Instabuilder is still a good piece of software. Though it is not bad for you check its credentials and do your own product review before purchasing this software.
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