Want to make a great part time or full time income online? Write articles for the Web - there's a huge demand, which will only increase as the web environment becomes more competitive.

How to Get Started - Follow Tamira's Example

When my friend Tamira took maternity leave from her marketing job she became very bored very quickly. She started a blog, writing several articles a day to post on her blog.

She was amazed when her blog started to earn a small income, and investigated the blogging environment, soon discovering that many people were prepared to pay her for writing articles to post on their blogs and Web sites. So, she charged a small fee for writing articles, just to see how the process worked.

Then she set up her own web site, and offered article packages, which she advertised on her blog, which was getting more traffic every day. She posted testimonials she received from her buyers on her site, and made sales.

Fast forward to her son's birth, and she had the glimmer of an idea. She did not want to leave her baby and go back to work ... could she turn articles into a full time business?

Making a long story short, she could, and she did.

Article Writing Money Making Tips

There's an insatiable appetite for content on the Web, because content links traffic, and traffic makes sales for all Web sites. Articles are a prime form of Web content.

Here are some tips to help you to make money:

* There are three main methods to making money by writing articles - write them for yourself, to get traffic to your own sites; write articles for others; and write articles to promote products, as an affiliate marketer. Which method will work for you? Give them all a try.

* Some kinds of articles pay better than others. Generally speaking, selling packs of articles - five, ten or even more per package, pays better than selling single articles.

* Get some article-writing experience on the out-souring sites. You can turn articles into a profitable full time business, once you have experience. You will not be paid much on the out-souring sites, but you will get a priceless experience.

* There are many formulas for writing articles. Many depend on keywords. Learn as much as you can about keywords, but remember that you're writing for readers first, rather than the search engines.

* You need to promote your article writing services - get a site and blog, and learn how to get traffic. The more traffic you get, the more money you will make.

* Writing articles is not a get-rich-quick scheme. It's a way to build a solid business, with minimal startup costs. Your business will build, as you write articles, and promote your business. As with all business, the more time and energy you spend on it, the more your business will thrive and prosper.



I am professional blogger and wordpress developer. I am knowledge seeker. Currently i am working blockchain development. Programming is my passion and i proudly working with many languages like python, react.js, Rust, soliditary etc.

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