
You're a tech-savvy business owner who understands the importance of internet traffic. You grasp the concept that more visitors to your site equals more exposure, which in turn equals more sales.

Or maybe you're an SEO firm looking for some quality writers to help obtain and retain clients to boost your business and boost your profits.

Great! Both of you are already halfway there. What you need is a quality SEO writing freelancer.

A Native English Speaker

First and foremost, English is the most used language of the web. A study done by W3Techs showed that of the most-visited sites in the world, 55% of them used English as their primary language. This is huge.

While a non-native English speaker can become very good at writing in English, you simply cannot beat the quality of a native English speaker. The native speaker is conscious of the phonetics of the English language when writing.

Readers can tell the difference between a native speaker's work and a non-native speaker's work. And satisfied readers means better rankings for your business and more money in your pocket.


So, you have found yourself a native speaker? Great. There's one more area that you must check... are they educated? There are plenty of native english speakers that can't write effectively at all.

Usually, a high school diploma means that the person is sufficient enough to write their ideas on paper in a natural-sounding, non-robotic way.

But, as a business trying to rank higher in search, you need more than that. You need a quality writer. A native speaker who excels at writing well. Who can write exciting, compelling content that draws your readers in. Someone who got A's in English class and did their homework, not someone who got a D and barely made it through!

If you have an SEO writing freelancer that fits this description, you are well on your way to ranking high.

Reliable and Dependable

You found a quality, native English speaking, educated writer to grow your business. Awesome. You are now 90 percent of the way there. However, there's one more caveat I must stress. You need someone you can trust.

If you have a writer who can't meet deadlines, you're in trouble. If you have a writer who is capable, but doesn't take pride in his work and gives you low-quality, tossed-together articles, you're in trouble. If you have a writer who doesn't communicate with you swiftly, you're in trouble.

You're running a business here. You cannot afford to have somebody who doesn't care. You need a writer who you don't have to chase around and submits on-time, every time.

Now You're Ready To Go

Now, you're armed with the criteria you need to look for when hiring an SEO writing freelancer.

  • Native English Speaker

  • Educated

  • Reliable. Submits on-time, every time.

Good luck!




I am professional blogger and wordpress developer. I am knowledge seeker. Currently i am working blockchain development. Programming is my passion and i proudly working with many languages like python, react.js, Rust, soliditary etc.

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