
Earning through ads is quite a common way of generating revenues from the blogs these days. However, you can not simply earn money by placing AdSense ads on your blog.

In order to maximize your revenue, you have to optimize your blog for AdSense. Because without creating an AdSense optimized blog you can not know that which ads are performing better or even what placement for the ads might be more beneficial. Although, ad placement, color, layout and theme effect the overall CTR and conversion, but it is important to know that optimizing these attributes on your blog can dramatically increase the conversion and make you more money. Following points represents how you can create an AdSense optimized blog.

Although, ad placement, color, layout and theme effect the overall CTR and conversion, but it is important to know that optimizing these attributes on your blog can dramatically increase the conversion and make you more money. Following points represents how you can create an AdSense optimized blog.

Ad optimization

A major lot of webmasters and publishers diminish the true power of ad revenue optimization. It does not mean bringing improvement in your website traffic. You can make most out of your current website traffic with the right strategy. Let's discuss how you can optimize ads on your blog.

First ad Unit

Typically, a normal website has 3 ad units on every page. When you have 3 ad units on your blog so make sure that the HTML structure loads the ads first with highest CTR. AdSense always fills the website with highest pay ads first. So it is not the rocket science to imagine that the highest CTR on the top paying ad would make more money with the same traffic you receive currently.

Ad Placement

The overall performance of a particular ad depends on its placement on a specific web page. Placing an ad incorrectly on your blog can increase the bounce rate & minimize the ad revenue. Always make sure that you place ads on your blog strategically. Furthermore, you can compare the performance of an ad at different page locations and evaluate where it generates more conversion.

However, responsive design is another important and considerable factor. The blog with a highly responsive design should automate the ads that adjust according to the visitors' screen.

Ad Theme

Small changes and huge difference. Make sense? Yes! Selecting the right text colors for your ad theme is very important. It immensely change the conversion rate and generate you more money. Try different text colors for different ads and measure the results. You will notice the big change. It's a bet.

Size of Your AdSense Ads

It usually depends on the design of your blog. But generally wider ads perform more better than taller ads. However, never overpower the content of your website, so never ever make your ads so larger that diminish the value of content. Also, it is an important to keep the relevancy of ad with the content of your website. It matters a lot.

Having an AdSense optimized blog is a critical factor of your blog's revenue and overall CTR. So, optimizing your blog the right way can create a significant change and add value to make a difference.




I am professional blogger and wordpress developer. I am knowledge seeker. Currently i am working blockchain development. Programming is my passion and i proudly working with many languages like python, react.js, Rust, soliditary etc.

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